tea tree

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tratamiento anticaida cabello
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Anti-Hair Loss Set

Rub your scalp the night before washing with Aloe Vera Gel to moisturize it and improve flaking. Add a few drops of Tea tree Oil to your shampoo when applying it, gently massage your scalp and rinse with plenty of water.

tratamiento salud intima
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Intimate Healthy Set

Add a few drops of Tea Tree oil to your Intimate Wash to protect yourself from vaginal infections and to calm annoying symptoms such as itching, burning and bad smell, among others.

tea tree leudine - Aceites para aromaterapia
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Tea Tree Oil

El aceite esencial indispensable en tu botiquín de primeros auxilios. Altamente eficaz para tratar el acné, los hongos en las uñas, las picaduras de insectos, lesiones infecciosas de la piel, así como para detener el sangrado. Regenera, protege y ayuda a mejorar molestias o condiciones de la piel.
